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I Am the Winner-我是赢家

I Am the Winner A strange sound came from the kitchen, so I went to have a look. I saw my little cat put its front paws on the edge of the basin, in which there was a fish I'd bought. Immediately I knew that the cat wanted to catch the fish I watched them in great interest. The basin was not very big but full of water. The fish was swimming freely in it. The cat looked at it thoughtfully. When the fish came near the cat, the cat put its paws out to touch it. The fish escaped quickly, so the cat took back its paws and waited aside patiently. A moment later, again the fish was near, the cat had another try and again the fish swam away at once. It seemed that the cat didn't want to catch it. They looked like very good friends and played a game together. I was puzzled and wanted to know what on earth the cat would do. I waited aside patiently just like the cat. This routine happened several times. The fish wasn't afraid of the rap so much now. Again the fish came near to the cat. Suddenly the cat put its claws out toward the fish and caught it. The cat cried out as ifit was laughing. What a clever cat! I turned back and wanted to continue my reading. Suddenly I realized that I wanted the fish for lunch and I had lost it. I sneaked up to the cat, which was sitting on the table. I caught the cat from behind. I took the fish out of the cat's mouth. The cat lost its lunch. I got my lunch. I was the real winner.我是赢家 厨房里传出来一阵奇怪的声音,因此我走过去看了看。我看见我的小猫把它的前爪放在盆边,盆里有我买的一条鱼。我立即明白了猫想抓鱼,我怀着巨大的好奇心观看着它们。 盆不是很大但装满了水,鱼正在盆里自由自在地游着。猫看着鱼,一副思考的样子。当鱼靠近猫的时候,猫伸出爪子去碰它,鱼马上逃走了。猫把爪子收回来,耐心地在旁边等着。过了一会,鱼又靠过来了,猫又试了一次,鱼又立刻游开了。看起来好像猫并不想抓鱼,他们看起来就像是好朋友,一起在玩游戏。 我有点不明白,就想看看猫到底想干什么。我在边上耐心地等着,就像那只猫一样。 这样又进行了几次。鱼没有那么害怕了。当鱼再次游过来时,猫伸出它的。爪子把鱼抓住了。猫叫了一声,好像在笑似的。多聪明的猫啊! 我转身回去,想继续看我的书。突然我想起了那条鱼是我的午餐,而我却失去了它。我蹑手蹑脚地靠近猫,它正坐在桌上。我从后面抓住了它,把鱼从它的嘴里夺了回来。 猫失去了它的午餐,我得到了我的午餐。我是真正的赢家。

I Am the Winner-我是赢家

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