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if i wr a boy again, i would practic prsvranc mor oftn, and nvr giv up a thing bcaus it was or inconvnint. if w want light, w must conqur darknss. prsvranc can somtims qual gnius in its rsults. “thr ar only two craturs,” says a provrb, “who can surmount th pyramids—th agl and th snail.”if i wr a boy again, i would school myslf into a habit of attntion; i would lt nothing com btwn m and th subjct in hand. i would rmmbr that a good skatr nvr tris to skat in two dirctions at onc.th habit of attntion bcoms part of our lif, if w bgin arly nough. i oftn har grown up popl say “ i could not fix my attntion on th srmon or book, although i wishd to do so” , and th rason is, th habit was not formd in youth.if i wr to liv my lif ovr again, i would pay mor attntion to th cultivation of th mmory. i would strngthn that faculty by vry possibl mans, and on vry possibl occasion. it taks a littl hard work at first to rmmbr things accuratly; but mmory soon hlps itslf, and givs vry littl troubl. it only nds arly cultivation to bcom a powr."回到童年"英语作文译文:假如我又回到了童年,我做事要更有毅力,决不因为事情艰难或者麻烦而撒手不干,我们要光明,就得征服黑暗。毅力在效果上有时能同天才相比。俗话说:“能登上金字塔的生物,只有两种——鹰和蜗牛。”假如我又回到了童年,我就要养成专心致志的习惯;有事在手,就决不让任何东西让我分心。我要牢记:优秀的滑冰手从不试图同时滑向两个不同的方向。如果及早养成这种专心致志的习惯,它将成为我们生命的一部分。我常听成年人说:“虽然我希望能集中注意听牧师讲道或读书,但往往做不到。”而原因就是年轻时没有养成这种习惯。假如我现在能重新开始我的生命,我就要更注意记忆力的培养。我要采取一切可能的办法,并且在一切可能的场合,增强记忆力。要正确无误地记住一些东西,在开始阶段的确要作出一番小小的努力;但要不了多久,记忆力本身就会起作用,使记忆成为轻而易举的事,只需及早培养,记忆自会成为一种才能。

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