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勇敢的人:第一次上讲台-Speaking on the Platform


勇敢的人:第一次上讲台-Speaking on the Platform




Spaking on th Platform

Th bll was ringing. Miss Wu, who tachs us nglish, cam into th classroom, a big smil on hr fac. Svral othr tachrs of our school had com to visit hr class. I knw it was a dmonstration① class, and I was a littl xcitd.

vrything was going on wll. All of us wr listning to our tachr attntivly and, whn w answrd qustions, our answrs wr corrct and clar. Th smil on hr fac suggstd that sh was satisfid with our prformanc. Towards th nd of th class, sh askd,“Who would lik to com up to th platform② and rpat th story?”Whil saying ths words, sh lookd at all th studnts with an xprssion of hop in hr ys.

How I wantd to jump onto th platform and giv an xcllnt prformanc bfor th whol class! This would b a good opportunity to practis spokn nglish. But I hsitatd③ for on or two minuts.“If I go to th platform and spak thr, but forgt th story or mak mistaks, what can I do?”I askd myslf.“Will my classmats and th tachrs laugh at m?”

I lookd up and saw Miss Wu smiling at m.“B brav!”sh said to th class.

I stppd onto th platform quickly and bgan to rpat th story with confidnc. I said on sntnc aftr anothr, thinking of nothing but th story. Aftr I finishd, I rturnd to my sat, my hart bating fastr than vr. Th girl sitting bsid m said,“Good work!”and I smild.



①dmonstration [dm+ns'triM+n] n.示范;演示

②platform ['pl$tf&:m] n.讲台

③hsitat ['hzitit] v.踌躇;犹豫



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