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Studying Abroad

In rcnt yars, studying abroad has bn popular. Tns of thousands of Chins studnts hav gon to forign countris to study. Many popl ar trying thir bst to apply to go abroad.

Studying Abroad

Thr ar many advantags in attnding schools abroad. First, studnts who hav studid abroad can act as mdiators btwn popl of diffrnt culturs. Scond, w can larn much mor advancd knowldg of scinc and tchnology from forign countris. Third, w can larn forign languags mor quickly.

Howvr, thr ar som disadvantags. Most of th studnts ar too young to liv by thmslvs without any living xprinc. Bsids, bing far away from thir hom country, thy may fl lonly and homsick. Of cours th costs ar much.

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