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大山里最美丽的女教师(The mountains the most beautiful female teachers)

by li qian - dp in mount taihang thr is a primary school with only two pupils and a tachr, who has rcntly caught th attntion of th cybr-world.在太行山深处,有一个仅有两个学生和一名教师的小学校,最近,这已引起了网络界的关注。th tachr, mi xiang, has bn dubbd th most bautiful tachr on th mountain by ntizns according to a southrn mtropolitan nws rport on wdnsday.据《南方都市报》本周三的报道,这位名叫梅香的老师被网民们评为大山里最美丽的乡村女教师。mi has bn working for th school in a rmot mountain villag in cntral china's hnan provinc for six yars. sh startd at 16, whn shimn primary school was on th vrg of closing du to a lack of tachrs.梅在位于华中的河南省的一个偏远山村任教已有六载。他从16岁开始就在石门小学教书,当时石门小学因缺乏师资差点倒闭。th school was built bcaus th closst major school was considrably far away from th villag. many studnts hav lft for a varity of rasons, and now thr ar only two. mi is still dtrmind to hlp th villagrs bcom litrat and fashiond hr hom into a classroom aftr th actual school building collapsd.当时建这所小学的初衷是由于离村子最近的学校也相当的远。许多学生由于种种原因相继退学,现在仅有两名学生就读。梅依然坚定不移地帮助村民读书识字,在校舍坍塌后她把自己的屋子改造成了教室。according to a prvious rport by th hnan businss nws, this singl young woman, dtrmind to stay in th school as long as thr is vn on child to tach, has disappointd a numbr of admirrs by announcing that hr boyfrind is staying with hr in th poor mountain villag.据《河南商报》先前的报道,只要有一个孩子要学习,这位单身的年轻姑娘也要坚决地留在学校,这意味着她的男朋友将陪着她在这个贫穷的山村里度日,这一点让许多仰慕着大失所望。mi xiang's story was sprad on th intrnt by a plastrr in hnan, "cloud in homtown" as h calls himslf on th intrnt. h wnt to mount taihang aftr rading th rport to find th tachr who lovd hr job so much.梅香的故事是被一位河南的泥水匠在网上公开的,这位自称“故乡的云”的泥水匠读了有关报道后,亲自去太行山找到了这位如此热爱自己工作的女教师。mi was surprisd to hav a gust in th villag, and hr living conditions movd "cloud in homtown" who thn brought a group of svn ntizns to visit hr. with mi's prmission, thy postd svral of hr photos on a forum, and svral onlin communitis spottd hr picturs.有客人来到村子,梅很吃惊,“故乡的云”被梅老师艰苦的生活条件所感动,他又带了七个网民来访问梅老师。经梅允许,他们在一个论坛上发表了她的七张照片,随后几家网上社区发现了她的照片。"cloud in homtown" nvr thought his bhavior would disrupt mi's lif, but as mor ntizns wnt to s hr thy bgan to blam th local authority for failing to fund th school.“故乡的云”没想到自己的所作所为会打乱梅的生活。但是随着越来越多的网民去探访她,他们开始责备当地的政府不资助建校。most villagrs ar laving mount taihang as xploitation of th land continus and nw roads connct thm to citis. mi rcntly marrid but dosn't liv with hr husband bcaus it's too far from th school. sh fls guilty, but says sh'll stay until thr is somon to rplac hr, as "hlping childrn who liv in th mountains larn is too important" for hr to stop, sh said.因为土地继续被非法占用,加上新修的公路通向了城市,大部分村民都陆续走出了太行山。梅最近结了婚,但没有跟丈夫住在一起,因为家离学校太远了。她觉得有愧于丈夫,但是她说如果没有人接替她的位置,她就一直留下来,她说,教山里的孩子读书太重要了,她不能放弃。

大山里最美丽的女教师(The mountains the most beautiful female teachers)


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